About Us
What is Badmintology?
The Badmintology concept was pioneered by Badmintology Vancouver, which organizes some of the best tournaments in BC. The founders of Badmintology Vancouver united an entire community through fun, whacky, and competitive badminton tournaments through what they coined the badminton galaxy. If you are in Vancouver, I encourage you to reach out to the ORIGINAL Badmintology. We are United By Badminton (R).
Goals for Badmintology
Badmintology Toronto & Calgary aims to host, operate, and manage badminton tournaments throughout the city with a high standard of quality and competitive edge. We hope to turn recreational players into regular tournament competitors and grow the badminton community. Badmintology also runs clinics on how to help you improve your game play.
Badmintology Team
Chairman & Director
Lawrence Lee is an entrepreneur and badminton enthusiast. He is the founder of Drivesports Badminton Ltd, a Calgary based non-profit badminton club that provides training and instructions to over one-hundred athletes. When not focusing on Badmintology or Drivesports, Laurence spends his time volunteering at local schools.
Managing Director, Head of Business Development
Dominic Ho has been a badminton enthusiast all of his life. Mr Ho has developed a good business background from helping his parents with their restaurant and has attended business school for marketing, and business management.
Ambassador, Toronto
Angela is a women's doubles player with a great understanding of court movement and rotations. She finds the process of students learning a rewarding one where she can help determined athletes hone in on their skills.
Ambassador, Edmonton
She plays badminton. And she is darn good. That's because she was the Secretary of UofAlberta Badminton Club.